If you are reading this article after losing your laptop, you are a bit late. You won't be able to track a device without a tracking software already installed in it. If you have noted down your MAC address, you will be able to track your laptop with the help of your local law enforcement department.
In this article I will share my experience with a tracking softwares called Prey, a free anti theft software for your personal computer and Smartphones.
Prey lets you keep track of your laptop, phone and tablet whenever stolen or missing -- easily and all in one place. It's lightweight, open source software that gives you full and remote control, 24/7.
Runs on Windows, Mac OS, Ubentu, Linux, Android and iOS
You will be able to add up to 3 devices and 10 reports per device on a free plan. Checkout prey pro plans here.
Pro features include:
I haven't tried the pro mode. Free mode is really awesome. I simulated a theft and it worked pretty well. It also sent me images from the webcam.
I am planning for Video tutorials and is testing out some softwares, I tried a video and is posting it here below. It's not informative, but just posting so that you guys can let me know about the quality and other stuffs.
I lost my lap. 🙁 🙁 It was my life. Is there a way I can find it? Please help me..... Please....
Hi Tina,
Did you have any tracking softwares installed? If not it will be hard o track the device.
No, no software's like that. 🙁
Sorry, then there is nothing much to do.